creative shot of a plant’s stem and leaves

Your Partner in Environmental Responsibility

Olofson Environmental, Inc. is an environmental resource consulting firm specializing in habitat restoration, permit acquisition and compliance, and biological resource monitoring. We are dedicated to meeting our clients’ needs with the highest professional standards while remaining committed to the stewardship of California’s natural resources.

We are pleased to offer Section 10(a)(1)(A) services for Alameda whipsnake, San Francisco garter snake, California tiger salamander—Central DPS, and California Ridgway's rail. Additionally, we are authorized in the form of a CDFW Memorandum of Understanding for all species, as well as California black rail.

Improving the environment by providing superior solutions to environmental and natural resource needs.

About OEI

Olofson Environmental, Inc. is an environmental consulting firm that provides clients with experienced, efficient, and environmentally conscientious project management and services in support of environmental restoration, planning, mitigation, and compliance.

OEI was incorporated in 2002 under the leadership of Peggy Olofson and is a registered woman-owned and operated small business. We employ a dedicated staff of professionals with a broad range of expertise in the biological and technical disciplines necessary to address the needs of our clients.

innovative techniques and ideas

Since incorporation, OEI has successfully completed numerous projects for a variety of government and private clientele. We manage one of the largest and most successful invasive species control projects in the western United States and are the primary consulting company monitoring endangered California Ridgway's rail in the San Francisco Bay Area. In recent years, OEI has developed and implemented an extensive tidal marsh revegetation program, overseeing the installation of over 300,000 native plants. OEI’s staff remains on the cutting edge of exciting new research, allowing the company to apply innovative techniques and ideas to new and ongoing projects. Our clients benefit from individually tailored, cost-effective solutions with a diligent application.

About the CEO

As an engineer for the State of California, Peggy managed a major planning effort to identify critical steps for restoration of certain wetland types in the San Francisco Estuary, culminating in the production of the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals and the Bayland Ecosystem Species and Community Profiles.

In 2002, based on a decade of collaborative planning with all relevant federal, state, and local agencies, scientists, environmental organizations, and restoration advocates, Peggy launched Olofson Environmental, Inc. to take on one of the key first steps for restoration of the Estuary – the eradication of invasive cordgrass from the tidal marshes.

From that beginning, OEI has expanded to take on projects within both the private and public sectors. Such projects have ranged from environmental assessment, permit acquisition and compliance, to design, construction, revegetation, and maintenance of large-scale habitat restoration projects.